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We have dreams... things to achieve... and whenever dreams comes true, we look out for new challenges... which makes us start dreaming and keep searching for it... again and again...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Becoming a Daisy

I have been through a journey since a couple of months... I had no suitcase at the beginning and infact I was not aware that I should have a really big one.

At the very beginning, my intention was only to attend a training to learn 'Coaching Skills' and see what goes with the flow. Then, CHANGE started.

Change comes along when you start to discover more about yourself. The 'self-awareness' is the key to open the door.

Today, in an exercise I was asked to write a book, to name it, express what people would get out of it and to whom it will be dedicated to...

I have a book now. A lot is in that book about who I am and what I bring to this world.

What you will be reading in this book is all 'real'. There is life, friendship, love, passion, challenges, success, fulfillment, joy, bliss and so much more than you could have ever imagined... This is the story of 'becoming a Daisy'...

... I would like to invite you to 'explore more about yourself' and challenge you on 'sharing what you have with the whole world'.

This book is dedicated to the 'ones who touched my heart' during my journey in life and particularly to all my true and great friends I have met though Adler International Learning. Thank you so much for 'being there' and 'being so real'...

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